Mail donations to:
Audrey Gardner
P.O. Box 82206
Hapeville, GA 30354
Email address: [email protected]
Mail donations to:
Audrey Gardner
P.O. Box 82206
Hapeville, GA 30354
Email address: [email protected]
Send a check or money order----
Mail donations to:
Audrey Gardner
P.O. Box 82206
Hapeville, GA 30354
Email address: [email protected]
678 -404-0684
Hello to All:
Once again it is time for the yearly September 2016 camp in Dakar, Senegal West Africa. Your contribution will go a long way making this camp a huge successful and this is continuous. This year 2016 Main Focus are school supplies for the children also if you have any used computers, laptops and cell phones. In return for your generosity, I will acknowledge each and every one during my presentation from the states. All items do not have to be NEW such as clothes, shoes, games but in good conditions.
Thank you for considering my request. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me at 678 -404-0684 or by email. If you make a check or money order donation write to Youth Action Without Borders or YAWB and send it to the address below and in the memo please put Dakar, Senegal YAWB for tax write off. (Return receipt will follow)…Or go online we do have a PAYPAL account website: youthawb.org
Please send everything by July 12, 2016 or make arrangement for me to come and pick it up. This is an ongoing project because I do have the Region, a Village Tatene and Baback.
· Sugar
· Milk-Powder
· Drinks
· Flour
· Dishwasher and laundry Detergents
· Snacks, chips,nut, cake mix and icing
· Cooking oil, Vinegar ,salt and pepper
· Bug Spray
· Cups, spoon and forks etc.
Audrey Gardner
President of Youth Action Without Borders in Atlanta
[email protected]
Mail donations to:
Audrey Gardner
P.O. Box 82206
Hapeville, GA 30354
Email address: [email protected]
678 -404-0684
Hello to All:
Once again it is time for the yearly September 2016 camp in Dakar, Senegal West Africa. Your contribution will go a long way making this camp a huge successful and this is continuous. This year 2016 Main Focus are school supplies for the children also if you have any used computers, laptops and cell phones. In return for your generosity, I will acknowledge each and every one during my presentation from the states. All items do not have to be NEW such as clothes, shoes, games but in good conditions.
Thank you for considering my request. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me at 678 -404-0684 or by email. If you make a check or money order donation write to Youth Action Without Borders or YAWB and send it to the address below and in the memo please put Dakar, Senegal YAWB for tax write off. (Return receipt will follow)…Or go online we do have a PAYPAL account website: youthawb.org
Please send everything by July 12, 2016 or make arrangement for me to come and pick it up. This is an ongoing project because I do have the Region, a Village Tatene and Baback.
· Sugar
· Milk-Powder
· Drinks
· Flour
· Dishwasher and laundry Detergents
· Snacks, chips,nut, cake mix and icing
· Cooking oil, Vinegar ,salt and pepper
· Bug Spray
· Cups, spoon and forks etc.
Audrey Gardner
President of Youth Action Without Borders in Atlanta
[email protected]

I am a special guest at this event on April 5, 2014 sponsor by the Senegalese Community in Atlanta,GA. The address is 8396 Hwy 85 Riverdale, GA 30274. Please call the number on the flyer for more information and come out to celebrate Independence Day and support what the Senegalese Community is doing it is for a great cause. Start Time10pm -5am
Best Regards,
Ambassador Audrey Jane Gardner
Croix Rouge Red Cross Senegalaise, Dakar Senegal West Africa
Audrey Jane Gardner
President of Youth Action Without Borders
Best Regards,
Ambassador Audrey Jane Gardner
Croix Rouge Red Cross Senegalaise, Dakar Senegal West Africa
Audrey Jane Gardner
President of Youth Action Without Borders

I will be a motivational speaker/coach Branding University (YBU) upcoming event on 2/23/13 called 2013 SMY (Social Medial Youth) Generation "Spirit and Truth" Forum which will be held at Liberty Baptist Church.
I will be speaking about my experiences and life in Dakar, Senegal and about the YOUTH in Africa.
You all are welcome,
Ambassador Audrey
I will be speaking about my experiences and life in Dakar, Senegal and about the YOUTH in Africa.
You all are welcome,
Ambassador Audrey

Wish List
- Flashcards,Coloring books, Banner for Classroom or Boards,Chalk and erasers for black board, Puzzles, Checkers
- Backpacks
- Composition Books
- Pens, Pencils/Pencil Sharpers, Erasers
- Glue Sticks
- Jump Drives
- Markers (Washable)
- Notebook Paper
- Pocket Folders
- Primary Writing Tables
- Spiral Notebooks
- Calculators
- Art & Craft Materials
- Personal items
- Games (ages infants-18)
- Clothing (ages infants-18)